Award Booking Service

Have frequent flyer miles but can't figure out how to use them? Understanding the logistics beneath frequent flyer points can be a daunting task with a steep learning curve. Why not save up to thousands of dollars on your next trip by redeeming your hard-earned miles without the hassle. With years and millions of miles of experience, let Flight Hacks do the work and map your journey to an enriching trip.

Award Booking FAQ

Why Flight Hacks?

Many frequent flyer programs have many complicated in-and-outs, and it is this complexity that can make them incredibly lucrative. Our mission is to help you maximise the most of your points, without you having to do all the hard work.

How much do you charge to book an award?

Pricing starts from $200, with $100 per additional passenger.

I am after a paid ticket using cash instead.

No worries, we offer Flight Search for all paid requests.

What if you are unable to present an itinerary that meets my requirements? Do I still have to pay?

You do not pay unless you are fully satisfied with our service.

Do you accept credit cards?

We accept all major debit and credit cards.

Do you accept cheques, cash or money transfers?

Unfortunately at this stage we cannot accept non-electronic payments.

What happens if I need to change my flight after I book it?

We charge $50 per passenger to change your itinerary after booking. Please note you may be subject to a change fee or increase in taxes by the airline. If you are impacted by an airline schedule change or flight cancellation, we will rebook you at no additional cost.

I have further questions. What should I do?

Please drop us a line and we'll be happy to help.