Flight Search

Flight searching can seem simple on the surface – but underneath, there are tens and hundreds of lesser-known strategies and tips to reduce your price, duration or both. Leave it to a real flight expert to find ideal routes, price strategies, discounts, deals, and more.

Flight Search FAQ

Why Flight Hacks?
While anyone can search for flights, most people aren't taking advantage of the best combinations of dates, times, prices, routes and strategies that are available to them. An experienced flight searcher who is familiar with market dynamics and the ins-and-outs of booking airfares can get much better results than a regular search or using a travel agent.
Why pay for flight search?
We are one of the few resources that provide direct access to experienced and knowledgeable flight experts. We work with you on a one-on-one consultative basis, much like an actual travel agent. However, as we do not operate on commission with the airlines, we can offer fares and deals far superior to a traditional agent or flight search. As such, the service fee ensures that we are compensated for our efforts.
How much do you charge for a flight search?
A standard flight search costs $50.
How does Flight Search work?
Let us know your trip request, so we can review your details and create the best itinerary at the lowest price. We offer full booking details so you can book the flights quickly before the price rises, or if you prefer, we'll book the flights for you directly.
Do I have to purchase the flight?
If you change your mind, you're not obligated to purchase the proposed itinerary. We're only interested in offering you the best flight options and sharing our expertise.
Can I redeem my frequent flyer points or bank reward points for flights?
No worries, we offer an Award Booking Service for all paid requests.
What if you are unable to present an itinerary that meets my requirements? Do I still have to pay?
You do not pay unless you are fully satisfied with our service.
You weren't able to save us any money, what do we do?
While we do pull out every trick in the book for you to travel better, occasionally it happens that we simply can't offer any special discounts for your particular request. So our deal is this - if we can't beat your price by at least the service fee, you don't pay.
Do you accept credit cards?
We accept all major debit and credit cards.
Do you accept cheques, cash or money transfers?
Unfortunately at this stage we cannot accept non-electronic payments.
What happens if I need to change my flight after I book it?
Most tickets, especially those deeply discounted, cannot be changed without significant penalty. We will help you with these on a case-by-case basis.
I have further questions. What should I do?
Please drop us a line and we'll be happy to help.